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Friday, August 17, 2012

My Fly Guy

Joshua doesn't get nearly the air time on this little blog that he deserves.  In fact, I'm not sure he's ever been highlighted other than birthday time or anniversary time.  Seeing as how we are well past the six year anniversary of this family blog, I do believe it's high time to right that tragedy.

I'm gonna tell you a little something about my sweetheart; he's one of those dedicated life-long learner types.  In a lot of ways.  I find it hard to come up with a topic that he can't talk intelligibly about, though I'll admit that my time for searching out such a subject is somewhat limited.

Plus, his brain is just more organized than mine.  He's a reader and a rememberer.  I'm a reader and a forgetter.  He's curious and seeks out, I'm curious and sidetracked.

Right about now, I'd say you're noticing who the solid one in this relationship is and who flies by the seat of her pants.  It works ridiculously well for us.

Speaking of flying, he's now studying this subject.  And I don't mean by the seat of his pants.  I mean with a headset and an airplane that I know much less about than our newly minted eight year old son.  Yup.  Joshua's been learning to fly!  He started a few months ago, studying hard and thrilled over taxiing, and now he has a nifty plaque his instructor gave him for completing his first solo flight.

It's pretty nifty stuff, I tell you.  I love to greet him with a hug when he comes home from a flying day.  I can practically feel the excitement pouring from him!  His eyes are bright and his grin is big and he always has stories to tell of the day's adventures.

I look very much forward to the day when I can go on a plane ride with him at the controls.  I kind of can't wait to see him strut his stuff!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thomas - The Great Eight

We put our two seven year olds, our five year old, our three year old, and our one year old to bed last night.  When we woke up this morning, we were missing one of those sweet seven year olds; a quicker-than-my-camera-skills eight year old came busting out of the room that had been the home of our gone forever seven year old.

He's pretty proud to be numerically older than his sister again.  Those few days out of the year get him every time!

He's plotting every moment of his year as an eight year old and all the things he intends to accomplish.  I'm here cheering him on, for the most part.  My heart nearly pounded straight out of my toes when he announced his intention to learn to ride a motorcycle.

I'll break it to him later the fact that he'll be doing nothing of the sort for at least another couple of years.

Like a couple of twenty years. 

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Sarah Grace

Dear Sarah Grace,
Today marks seven years since you left the protection of my body and entered the protection of my arms.  Arms that have loved holding you, reaching to support you while slowly widening their circle around you to allow you more opportunity to grow into the young lady that God is molding you into.

I love how you still call for me over stubbed toes and uncertain tears, while my heart swells with pride when I offer you help and you tell me, 'no, I think I can do it.'

And, more often than not, you do.

I love watching your face animate as you tell me a story from your day.  I wonder at how mature your thoughts and words are becoming.

My favorite heart pictures of you include your bright smile as you play with your siblings and your brows drawn together in concentration as you plow through a book.

You are a delightful girl and I pray that life won't wear down the sweetness that is such a beautiful part of your nature.

I pray many things for you, sweet girl, but mostly that you will continue to place your faith in the One who formed you, the One who knows the perfect plan He has laid out for you.

Happy Birthday, Sarah Grace!  I love you so very much, my Bug.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Daniel - 15 Months

I'm 15 months and...
...I am walking all over the place!
...I like to feed myself and when I'm done I like to turn the bowl up and press my face to the bottom of it and lick it clean.

...I cry every time my Daddy walks out of the house and doesn't take me with him. 
...I am a climber!  Which means that sometimes I'm a faller. 

...I've entered that entertaining phase of life where I like to empty boxes, bags, baskets, and anything else that has stuff in it.

...I'm still my brother's biggest fan...and he's my biggest fan, too!