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Monday, June 20, 2011

Screaming Our Joyful Noise

You know that hour at the end of the day when you, the Mommy, think you might just throw yourself down on the floor and throw an all out temper-tantrum? The hour in which your husband is due home, the hour that dinner needs to be in the making, the hour when the kids hit The Wall.

I usually detest that hour. But once in a while things go so abnormally well that I look over my shoulder to see if my Fairy Godmother is standing there waving her wand and smiling serenely.

Today was one of those days. The afternoon was rolling right along when it suddenly occurred to me to check the time.

It was 5:24 PM.

History demands that my children be wailing about starvation, boredom, and unfair/unkind siblings.


Anna was running around (naked) scream-singing 'Jesus Loves Me'.

Sarah Grace and Elizabeth had on dress up clothes and were pirouette-ing around the living room as they sang 'I Am A True Princess'.

Thomas was running the Shark over my floors because he wanted to.

Daniel was having a rare moment of contentment watching the fishies twirl in happy circles above his head.

And I breathed a prayer of thanksgiving for unexpected happy moments.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Samplings

We've just come off of two weeks in VBS. Thomas, Sarah Grace, and Elizabeth have had a great time, learned a TON of new songs, done more crafts than you can shake a stick at, added a few more verses to their memory collection, and eaten a lot of sugar. Anna has worked on potty training, with the promise of a 'Poddy Poddy' (Potty Party) once she is successfully trained. Daniel has slept. And I have enjoyed mornings of perusing, plotting, and planning.

I have scoured the internet for ideas of daily projects or activities to do with the kiddos to celebrate the 'freeness' of Summer. Plus, it's eighty degrees in the shade by 7AM and apparently my children are delicate flowers that wilt in the heat. At the very least, they whine a lot and I don't have the heart to make them stay out in the scorching sun.

Our days are looking more like play outside from after breakfast until 10-ish. Then we do a bit of school work and read books. Lunch, nap (hooray for naps!) then afternoon snack.

Here is where all my fun research comes in. In the afternoons, we will spend our time on one of these fun projects. Then, by the time Daddy gets home and we have dinner in our bellies, the kids go outside for another couple of hours.

This week's projects are as follows:

Monday - Make Pudding Pops (to eat Tuesday)

Tuesday - Sun Printing

Wednesday - Magic Milk Shakes & watch a movie from the library

Thursday - Make Sponge Balls & play outside in the water

Friday - Swimming in the morning and library in the afternoon!!!

I can't wait to get started! We'll keep you posted, maybe take some pictures, and definitely post plans for next week.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh How Quickly I Forget

Our internet connection is all wonky. It keeps obliterating my posts.

As I have already tried to tap out Daniel's six week post twice and it has been stomped on by our haphazard ISP, I am tossing my hands up for the day.

Perhaps tomorrow.

But for now (if this isn't lost into the abyss before I publish) I will leave you with this short tid-bit of funny.

Potty humor ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

Anna is in full on potty training. And not particularly caring for it. But I am at least as bull-headed as she is and it's my checking account on the line, not hers, and so we dance.

Anna has been running around naked as the day she was born for the past several days. I send her to her little potty at regular intervals, demanding that she drink and try to get the pee-pee out. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we chat. Sometimes she sings. Other times she just looks forlornly at me while I feed Daniel or stack the dishes.

And then today, by golly, I thought we had it.

"Mommy! I dropped my doo-doo in my potty!"

For a fraction of a split-nano-second, I thought she meant she had number 2-ed in her potty.

And then it dawned on me...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Acknowledging Little Moments

He nurses at my breast or takes formula from a bottle, but either way, his body nestles close to mine. He is totally dependent upon me to provide his every need and utterly content to be held. I prop him on my shoulder to pat the air from his tummy. He again contours himself to me, relaxing. His little hand rests on my arm, sliding down a little as he releases the air in a woosh.

It is a season of life's greatest perfection. This darling boy who was knit together with such wondrous beauty, making me a Mommy all over again.

I lay him down in a pink bed made more boy-ish by the addition of animal cracker sheets. He cares not about the colors and their 'meanings'. Only that he is safe and warm. Instinctively, he tucks his little knees up under him and sighs one of his beautiful baby sighs.

He sleeps.

I can't help but look at him and marvel at his every little movement, each sound he makes, and the indulgent softness of his skin. I reach out to touch his silky baby hair and his little forehead wrinkles as his brows raise. It's his way of acknowledging the love we give.

And my heart sings as I praise God for this moment. It's my way of acknowledging the love He gives.

Monday, June 06, 2011


My middle sister married this weekend. It was a happy and fun ceremony.

There were lots of smiles and lots of laughter and lots of kids.

Congratulations, Amy and Anthony!