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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Recent Randomness

I was flipping through pictures today and ran across several that make me smile. So I am posting them, each with their own quick story. Hopefully one of these days, as my kids flip through the books that this blog is creating, they will smile and laugh and be glad I recorded these little moments.

Sarah Grace commandeered her brothers dress up clothes. She utilized his tool belt to carry Ariel and her accouterments in. It totally cracked me up!

From somebody's cell phone into our photo album. Anna and her Daddy. Two of my faves, people!

A 'nest' that the kids created in the base of a neat tree in our yard. Complete with some nice decoration to make it all homey for the family of birds they are hoping to attract.

Anna's perch for a large portion of the time we spent at the play ground several weeks ago. She just sat contentedly singing to herself and swinging her little legs back and forth.

Elizabeth reading. She was just so peaceful. It made me have one of those rushes of affection. This picture brings back that moment.

Thomas joined the men in our church for the annual shoot-out this year. There is a movie clip of him laughing and looking at the camera as he squeezed several rounds off. I am not posting that. If you want to see that clip, you need to come to the house. I am afraid DHR might come and get us for posting that kind of hilarity. But doesn't he look studly with the pink rifle? A man with confidence.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Case For Homeschooling - Temperment

Besides 'not being smart enough', I frequently hear, 'Ugh! I do not have the patience to home school'.

God is in the details, y'all.

I am a red-headed, selfish, tempteramental, high-strung, my way or the highway type of gal. Oh, and I'm pregnant.

I know, right? Your aching to be friends with me now. I can tell.

I just tossed out math curriculum out the window. Not literally, but very nearly.

I growled at my 5 year old during our reading lesson recently.

I totally blew my lid with the two year old, who was happily chewing on a workbook.

And I'd like to tell you that these are rare occurrences, but it just isn't so. Despite me, though, my kids are doing really, really well. For the very most part, we enjoy this adventure we are on. We giggle, we rejoice in each others accomplishments, we have fun, and we learn quite a bit.

And I do mean 'we', for as we walk this sometime bumpy path, I am learning things about myself, my kids, and just life in general. I've even picked up a fact or twelve.

If God is calling you to home school, just do it. He will take care of the details. Smarts and hotheadedness are not excuses! Your sincere efforts will thrive, even if you break down and have a few tantrums along the way. God will reward your obedience.

Trust me on this one.

Monday, October 25, 2010

This Day In History...

...Pablo Picasso was born.

...Richard Harris died.

...Josh and Aubrey were married.

Seven very short years later, this is our family. It's been a fun ride, Sweetheart! Here's to many more years of sharing God's plan for our lives with you!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sarah Takes A Mini-Vay

At 9 Friday night, my Mom called me.

'Can I take Sarah Grace to the beach with me this weekend? We need to leave about 9 in the morning...'

After a few minutes of getting the details straight, it was deemed that my 5 year old daughter would take her first trip to the beach. With my Mom and my sister.

But not me.

The bitterness subsided the minute I heard my little girl exclaim about chasing sand crabs.

That was two weeks ago. The stories are still forthcoming. She still crops up with a memory and an incredibly huge grin as she regales us with some memory from her three day trip.

If you follow me on Twitter, you also know that my beloved daughter didn't take the trip without communication. My iPhone got to go, too! The pictures I growled at my sister to take give me the giggles. It's a little like an out of body experience, since I wasn't there but the pictures are all on my phone!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Case for Homeschooling - Education

One of the most common things I hear when people learn that we are a homeschooling family is, 'Oh, I dont' think I am smart enough to do that!' If you believe yourself ill equipped for this reason, let me put your mind at ease.

I was a mediocre student. I am a product of how the schooling environment failed, or at the very least, didn't thrive. I had very few teachers who managed to pique my interest and inspire me to seek knowledge on my own and to do the best I could. Very few. I'm not bashing the public school system, There are some incredible teachers out there!! I had four throughout my 13 year stint. I'm just saying there are a lot of folks who go into teaching because they think it's 'easy' and they like having their summers 'off'. Their hearts aren't really in it.

I've spoken with some of those very mindsets, so don't get all offended. It's a simple fact.

I barely went to college. I started college, as expected, in the fall after I graduated high school. I was on a split vocal/instrumental scholarship. I took seven classes my first semester. Seven. Two vocal, two instrumental, one music theory, one math, and one speech. I finished the semester with a 3.98 GPA.

And then I quit. A few years later, I took another couple of classes, but mostly to keep a friend company who was trying to get a few transferable credits. I did okay in both classes, but as soon as I turned in my final exams in those classes, I walked out of conventional college for the rest of the life I have lived.

About the time my friends were graduating college, I finally decided on a course of action. Massage school. I loved so much about that year. It was a type of learning that spoke to me. Very little book instruction, a lot of hands on experience, and no ridiculous fluff classes to 'round out the educational experience'.

So to put all that into layman's terms, I am, as the world would call it, uneducated. I have my own issues with this, but they don't spur me onto completing a 'higher education.'

And yet, I home school my children. And I am not (too terribly) afraid of messing up. Both my six year old and my five year old are reading. They can both identify shapes, colors, numbers, states, and patterns. They could be better with scissors, but I twitch violently when I watch them cut paper. There are crafts and field trips, dance class, and music class. Their writing is pretty good and their memory capacity is amazing.

For now, the challenge is just to keep them interested. To present the material in a way that they can grasp. It will get harder. But if I can just stay a step or so ahead of them, and teach them to utilize the resources around them, they will excel.

Because nobody cares about a child the way a parent does.

Friday, October 15, 2010

For All Your Patience...

I'll tell you a secret or two.

See this?

How bout this?

If you add it all up, throw in a healthy dose of a Mamma who can barely keep her head off a pillow, quite a bit of queasiness, and about seven more months of steady weight gain...

...well, y'all are smart folks.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010